What is a bernedoodle?
Bernedoodles are an intended cross between the Poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog. The Poodle is intelligent, active, trainable, graceful, allergy-friendly, and good-communicators with their people.
Bernese mountain dogs are loyal, goofy, calm, eager to please and protective.
The bernedoodle cross gives you the best of both worlds: beautiful, intelligent, low shedding dogs that are capable of forming strong bonds with their family.
While I was researching the perfect family pet for our home, the bernedoodle easily shot to the top of the list and from experience, they do not disappoint!

Why a Bernedoodle?
Bernedoodles require less exercise than most other doodle mixes.
They are perfectly happy to have a lazy day on the couch with you
but are equally happy to be on any adventure you want to take them
on. Because of their loyalty, they are easily trained and typically do
well off-leash. They love to be outside with their people in all environments from the forest, to the beach and the snow. They do not shed much, are allergy-friendly, yet still have the iconic beauty of the Bernese mountain dog. They are typically gentle with kids of all ages and can easily be trained for service or therapy work. Honestly, we will be Bernedoodle people forever. They have our whole heart and I will tell anyone with passion how great being a bernedoodle parent really is. Once we got our boy, Butters, we knew this breed fit our exact lifestyle!